Thursday, March 21, 2013


The beloved DELTA... so many covet it and so many fail it. At the moment, I am in the middle of module two and it will probably be the reason I don't get to write much again! the only reason I decided to write is that I looked high and low for something on the DELTA but it seems others are reluctant to share their experience and knowledge. I have wanted to do the DELTA for years but there was always some reason that I never got to do it, be it time, money or both. Now I am back in Istanbul (have been since June 2012), I knew it was time to pick myself up from the module one exam fail letter floor and start again. I attended the module one course at ITI - aka International Training Institute - but decided not to take the exam for the second time as I knew I would get the results during the second module and another fail letter probably would have put me off altogether, plus I felt that the more knowledge I gained in the second module would all contribute to the exam I am to take in June. There still is the issue of Cambridge expects you to answer things in certain ways but at least now I know more than I did three months ago (I hope I do anyway!) Back to module 2 -I'm preparing for my second assessed lesson at the moment (same institution) and as I type that I am wondering why I am sitting here writing this instead..I guess my brain has had enough of tone units and learner problems for one evening. Finding time to concentrate on the focus I have chosen is difficult as I need a fresh mind and I am one of those people that prefers to study for long blocks of time, say for three or four hours on the trot, and I have dealt with a lot of learner problems at work already today, that's why I thought taking up my blog again would be a good idea, and now there is a mobile app too, I can blog to my hearts content :) If you are debating doing module two, make sure you have done module one first, it is a good way of getting back on the knowledge horse even if you don't take the exam right away. Please don't expect it to be easy, and make sure you have the commitment to see it through to the end, it is stressful but I know it's going to be worth it in the end. I am doing the DELTA for better career prospects but I am also doing it for me in the sense that I want to be a better teacher, not just earn more money as much of a bonus as that will be in the long run. Don't let your place of work pressure you into it if you are not 100% up for doing could end in tears. Well, I think that's enough for tonight and hopefully this time, this blog will stay alive. Well, it will if someone is reading it :)

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